A community group that is campaigning to preserve a historic bathhouse in Carlisle has called on a councillor to engage in discussions with them about being included in the city's social prescribing scheme.

The Friends of Carlisle Victorian and Turkish Baths are hoping they can talk to Carlisle City Council's Portfolio Holder for Communities, Health and Wellbeing, Elizabeth Mallinson, about having the historic baths included in Carlisle's Social Prescribing Scheme - something they say would allow them access to further funding.

The Turkish Baths on James Street in Carlisle are part of a redevelopment in the area which will see the demolition of the 1970s pool and reception.

The baths are one of only 12 remaining original Turkish Baths still in operation in the UK. There were once over 700.

Concerns were raised over the survival of the original 1884 Public Baths.

Julie Minns of Friends of Carlisle Victorian and Turkish Baths said: "It would be fantastic to get the Turkish Baths available on prescription from the city's GPs and we would love to see that happen sooner rather than later because I think there are a lot of people out there who would really benefit from it.

"It's something that is part of our vision.

"One of the stage one asks is for the Turkish Baths to be included in the social prescribing scheme.

"We remain hopeful that we will get that meeting.

"Evidence shows that therapeutic treatment delivered by facilities like Turkish Baths can be extremely beneficial for both physical health and mental health.

"The second reason why were are asking for it is if you get included in the social prescribing scheme, then you have got a definable income from that because there would be a payment from the health service."

In response to Councillor Helen Davidson's question on whether she would be convening a meeting with the community group; the bath's operators, Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL); Carlisle Healthcare and council officers to explore including the Turkish Baths in the scheme, Cllr Mallinson said: "I am happy to meet with anybody from the Turkish Baths. In fact, I have met with people from the Turkish Baths privately. It was nothing to do with the council. They were friends of mine and I went to see what the Turkish Baths were like and how we could use them if at all possible."

The Victorian and Turkish Baths are one of six Carlisle venues taking part in the UK wide Heritage Open Days

Heritage Open Days is England's largest festival of history and culture, bringing together over 2,000 local people and organisations, and thousands of volunteers.

The Friends of Carlisle's Victorian and Turkish Baths are running more Heritage Open Days tours over the weekend of September 18 and 19.

The tours are part of a campaign by the Friends of Carlisle Victorian and Turkish Baths to save the original Public and Turkish Baths and develop the building - dating from 1884 - as a flagship Health and Wellbeing Centre.

The tours are fully booked but a video tour is available on the Friends of Carlisle Victorian and Turkish Baths Facebook Page.

For more information on the Turkish Baths, visit facebook.com/SaveCarlisleTurkishBaths.