PUPILS at a Workington school were turned away for wearing fancy dress ­— a Halloween tradition their parents remember when they were children.

Earlier in the week, Northside Community School sent home messages saying school uniforms were to be worn because pupils would be doing other activities.

But a group of more than 14 parents sent their children to the school in their costumes in a effort to try and have the tradition kept alive at the school.

We asked our readers what they thought of the stance and here is what they had to say:

John Reeves said: "This is yet another example of the school being out of step with the community."

Nicola Louise agreed, she commented: "My sons school didn’t allow fancy dress too but yet some local other ones did, a shame really given the past 18 months. I’ve also seen alot of schools down the UK allowing parents back into school for harvest festival and end of term assembly but yet again Cumbria way behind, add this to us losing Keswick spa it’s like kids aren’t allowed to do anything fun 👎🏼 we already don’t have the facilities that other areas do as it is.

Fiona Bedlington disagreed she said : "I know it's harsh to send them home and change, but did the school say uniform to be worn? If so then why send them in fancy dress? Just curious."

John Fawcett agreed , he commented: "Halloween was never a thing like it is now, it is mainly an American thing. When I went to school all we did was go around with turnip lanterns to collect money for fireworks for bonfire night."