RESIDENTS of St Bees have lobbied their elected representatives about issues with inconsiderate parking, who have dreamt up an "ambitious" solution.

Issues with "indiscriminate parking" on roads surrounding Seacroft Drive were brought to St Bees Parish Council on Monday.

Residential roads in St Bees are becoming impassable as cars are being parked at the side of the road without regard for other motorists.

Delivery and refuse vehicles are amongst those struggling to reach properties as a result of the parking problems.

But St Bees Parish Council hopes to make changes in their area, designed to reduce the number of cars being parked at the side of residential streets.

The parish council is seeking permission to expand the St Bees Train Station car park to reduce the pressure on residential roads.

Councillor Eric Taylor, who is leading on the project said: "Before Covid-19 it was even worse than it is now. We do have an issue with parking in the village, that's why we're going to extend the train station car park.

"It is a big project and clearly we couldn't do that on our own. There's a lot of experienced members on the parish council (but) it's the money we need to do it. We've been quite ambitious in moving forward with this.

"We realise getting money for a car park extension is difficult, we need to work hard and try to get some action.

"What the council has done is make provision in the budget to go for outline planning permission."

Planning permission will be sought from Copeland Borough Council, the parish council will also consult with Network Rail who own the car park and Cumbria County Council - the lead authority on highways.

Cllr Taylor is confident in the plans, he said: "I think everyone sees a need for it and we've had no naysayers."

A "firm figure" in terms of cost is required first, the parish council will then start working to secure funding.

Copeland Borough Councillor of St Bees Jeffrey Hailes said: "Helping with the extra car park that would be a great win. We're going to have accidents at school times. The last thing we want to see is children having accidents."

"The first two houses into the entrance, they're absolutely swamped with cars, the answer would be the access of the car park at the railway station."

People are leaving cars over night when visiting the area and residents' houses, there is also an issue with cars being left while their owner car pools to work for the day.

Cllr Hailes said that it can take up to 20 minutes to find a car park.