A fire in North Cumbria is still burning almost 24 hours after it started.

Fire services maintained a presence at Rockcliffe Estate in Northern Carlisle throughout the night.

Both Cumbria Police and Carlisle Fire services attended the incident yesterday.

Due to the smoke, which may have involve fumes from burning asbestos, nearby residences including Rockcliffe village were advised to close all doors and windows as a precaution.

Police were called to the scene at 10:27am yesterday morning.

At the peak of the response process five fire appliances, an aerial ladder platform and a water bowser were in attendance.

During the night, there was one fire engine and five staff on the scene.

Fire services said that the building was too dangerous to enter but that they would reassess after sunrise.

They added that the building is completely destroyed.

A spokesperson from Carlisle East Fire Station said: "We had a presence there all night.

"The building itself is too dangerous to go into so we've been leaving it as a controlled burn. 

"We're going to reassess once daylight arrives this morning to see what the plan of action is then.
"The building itself is completely destroyed but we're not really sure how much is left inside."
One fire engine, five staff.