A MAN driving from John O'Groats to Land's End in the world's smallest car stopped in Carlisle yesterday.

Alex Orchin, 31, from East Sussex, is driving the length of the country in a Peel P50 to raise money for Children in Need.

He started last Saturday and hopes to finish in the next couple of weeks.

Mr Orchin described the reasoning behind his fundraiser.

He said: "I’ve owned this car for about three years. I’m probably one of the few people who use it to commute to work, or go to the shops, just using it as an everyday car.

"What I discovered was that anywhere I went people would constantly ask questions, take pictures and were so fascinated by it.

"I thought, ‘This car is so popular with people that I could do something for charity’.

"John O’Groats to Land’s End is the biggest journey you can do in the UK, so I thought I would do the biggest journey in the world’s smallest car.

"Children In Need is an appropriate charity for me because it’s one that I’ve always supported and this car is really popular with children. They just love it."

Mr Orchin has been joined by Joely Raffle, who is driving a campervan alongside him.

They are using the campervan for storage and accommodation.

He described the journey.

"It hasn’t been completely smooth. For the most part, the car has been brilliant but I’ve had a few tinkering issues, things coming loose, because it’s got a lot of vibration. Every morning I have to check that things are still tight and do a routine maintenance.

"I’m struggling, the car’s doing better than I am. I’m feeling it in my knees and my back.

"Driving at 23 miles an hour for over 100 miles a day is certainly taking its toll on me."

Mr Orchin has raised £5,500 on a GoFundMe page so far.

This is much more than his initial aim of £2,000.

The public have been very supportive, with various people in Carlisle stopping Mr Orchin for a photograph and promising to donate money.

One person even bought him and Joely hot chocolates.

You can donate to the GoFundMe page at gofund.me/d29c0fad.