The News and Star readers have reacted to a letter written to John Stevenson MP calling on the Prime Minister to resign.

The Carlisle MP has since responded to the letter voicing his "huge disappointment and anger at the way the civil servants and others working in Downing Street have conducted themselves."

Mr Stevenson also noted a 'failure of leadership and management.' Patrick Tracey who wrote the letter says that he believes Mr Stevenson will follow up on these words with his actions in parliament.

Here's what you had to say.

Anthony Stevenson said: "We must keep up the pressure on our MPs to remove Johnson for his lies to parliament. Of course there are a number of other lies he continues to spout. I have emailed John Stevenson twice and will continue to do so until Johnson is removed. I would urge all conservative voters with a moral conscience to not vote Tory again until Johnson is removed."

David Pitkeathly said: "So sad John that you publicly haven't called for his resignation.That would be the truly brave and upright thing to do, he is not fit for public office."

One reader said: "You mean a sense of perspective insofar as the PM who made the rules, broke the rules. The same sorry excuse of a PM who gets to set the terms of reference for the inquiry into the utter shambolic bodge job of the pandemic response that cost hundreds of thousands of lives? That sort of perspective?

"If Boris Johnson can't handle a pandemic how much less so can he handle 'world war 3.' He has shown himself to be incompetent and corrupt."

Bern Windhow said: "Always judging the response of the public first before tailoring his 'opinion' to suit."

Jo Woody added: "I live on a fairly small street in Carlisle and I would say about a quarter of them didn't obey the rules 'to the letter.' That's just the ones who made it obvious, I am not a nosey parker. Let's have a sense of realism as we prepare for World War 3."