EDEN Council have organised weekly meetings they’ve called ‘Forces Link’ in an effort to support ex armed-forces and their families and offer them support.

A spokesperson for the Council said: ‘We are doing this by working with local and national organisations such as University of Cumbria and Royal British Legion to find out what support they offer, then meeting the ex-service community through things like breakfast clubs and regimental association meetings to tell them about the opportunities available. In doing this we can identify any gaps and work with the organisations and the ex-service community to help fill them and provide the best support possible.’

‘No matter when or who you served with, when you leave you don’t have to be alone. Our veterans and families Walking for Health group meets on a weekly basis in Carlisle and Eden and provides a great opportunity to get involved in the community, to stay healthy and rediscover that camaraderie with others providing a great peer support network. We will post all the details of our walks on our Facebook page and look out for our monthly walking challenges for you and the family to get involved in. ‘

Please email forceslink@cumbriacvs.org.uk  for further information on the next meeting