THE MAYOR of Carlisle, Pam Birks, has welcomed groups for a tour round the City Council’s headquarters.

Ms Birks welcomed a group of refugees who have made the city their home to the Civic Centre, as well as members from Cumberland Infirmary’s Chaplaincy Team.

The mayor said: “With the invasion in Ukraine on our minds, with war, devastation and the deaths of people, I was proud to have met with a previous group of refugees fleeing war, discrimination and prejudice.

“I was able to hear first-hand the stories of people who had fled terrible situations for a better life in the UK.

“I was particularly moved by the courage of those who had served as interpreters to the British Army in Afghanistan, putting their lives at risk to assist and support our troops in the field.


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“My consort and I were able to enquire about present issues relating to adjusting to life in the UK; and offer guidance and advice. It was fascinating to see how different the problems we would expect refugees to have, differed from their own requirements.

“I believe that the welcome offered by Carlisle has been generally positive although not without some issues, and that as a group the majority were committed to staying in Carlisle, building a life here, and contributing to their community.

“Perhaps if, in the near future, we are asked to support refugees from other conflicts we will again extend the hand of friendship and support to those fleeing war and terror.”

Discussing the visit of the Chaplaincy Team, Cllr Birks shared: “I had the pleasure of hearing about their work and thanked them on behalf of all the patients and families who have reached out to them for support.

“Most importantly they were able to be there for patients of the infirmary at a time when no visitors were allowed providing essential support and communication.


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“During the Covid crisis their work has been prolific and gruelling. On behalf of the citizens of Carlisle I gave them a thank you for all their dedication and devotion to those who suffered and those that we lost during the pandemic.”