An artist from north Cumbria has started to sell pieces of art to raise money for the Ukraine crisis. 

Simon McCall, of Silloth, works for the NHS and took up art during the pandemic after being fond of it during his youth. 

He has now started selling a couple of pieces of his art on Ebay with the funds going to support The Red Cross Appeal in Ukraine. 

Mr McCall said: "I watch the crisis in Ukraine unfold on the news and I want to do something to help. I'm ex-military, and have seen first-hand the vital humanitarian work of the Red Cross, so the proceeds from these auctions will go to support their Ukraine Crisis Appeal."

One of the pieces of artwork depicts a harrowing scene of a man caped in the Ukrainian flag staring onto a desolate landscape of a war torn city. The other piece shows are gloved hand grasping another person's hands. It is clear that Simon's artwork has been highly influenced by the conflict that is currently occurring in Ukraine. 

As Simon explained he himself was in the military back in the early 90s. He says that this has allowed him to understand the vital work that charities and groups like the Red Cross do during times of crisis. 

Simon's previous artwork has been inspired by the Covid pandemic showing the work of the health staff who were on the frontline of the health crisis. 

He has also created art covering a range of other topics, one piece in particular of his daughters in west Cumbria got him nominated for an award. Back in August last year Simon was nominated for an award by Anthology Magazine. 

His work has been much appreciated by those in the art community with a number of people buying his pieces. 

If you would like to buy Simon's latest work and help him to support the people of Ukraine you can do so by visiting the following links: and

Links to his work can also be found on his website at: