An attractive new interpretation hub has just been installed at a church.

Located at Wetheral Church, it has been designed as a three-sided pyramid to take advantage of the 360-degree views that can be gained from the churchyard.

The design was chosen as it also reflects the church’s dedication to the Holy Trinity and St Constantine.

Wetheral Church is set in an attractive location, being sited on a bank above the River Eden with far-reaching views to Corby Castle, the viaduct and Wetheral Priory.

Each of these places has a story to relate.

News and Star: The new interpreation pyramidThe new interpreation pyramid

One panel faces the church and describes the Anglo-Saxon origins of the church and the Howard Chapel that was built in the late 18th-century to house an exquisite sculpture by Joseph Nollekens.

This view also takes in Wetheral Viaduct that carried the earliest cross-country railway over the River Eden.

Another panel describes Corby Castle and the wildlife that can be found along the river, along with the old ferry crossing over the river.

The third panel looks towards Wetheral Priory Gatehouse with mention of the medieval salmon traps and St Constantine’s Cells.

The project has been spearheaded by Andrew Humphries of Wetheral, in conjunction with Anna Gray of Great Corby as research and project manager, and designed by Peter Lorimer.

The pyramid hub is the first stage of a much larger project that will see two more panels installed - a wall-mounted introductory panel and another panel inside the church - and new paving to enable people to access the pyramid more easily.

An informative leaflet covering the wider area is also proposed.

Andrew Humphries said: "The pyramidal panels have stimulated curiosity and interest about the diverse cultural landscape of Wetheral – and how people have shaped the land and in turn been shaped by it".

Grant funding has been obtained from the Dulverton Trust, Cumbria Community Foundation and Carlisle City Council.

However, the project is looking for additional funding to enable the completion of the second stage.

To contribute towards or sponsor the ongoing costs of this project, contact Andrew Humphries on 01228 564140.