THE first two photos in this edition of nostalgia show that dates may change but many things stay the same.

The black and white photo shows Lady Graham of Netherby Hall near Longtown admiring her daffodils.

Lady Graham held a Daffodil Sunday event for many years with the proceeds going to The British Red Cross.

The photo next to her is taken in the days of colour photos as h tends the blooms.

Gerald and Margo Smith, who have owned Netherby Hall since 2014, said the daffodils still make a spring appearance.


The next picture on the page, admittedly taken a couple of months later, in may, could, however, come under the heading of Mad as a March Hare.

Actually, it is several March Hares in this contest.

Students from the Newton Rigg Campus were, as the cation suggests, flushed with success by their beautiful but slightly nutty spring toilet display.

We have featured a couple of lovely photos from the Lake District, which does not have to even stir to produce beauty that's all down to Mother Nature.

But there is no lack of human-made beauty in these springtime photos.

Among those is the deer created by Longtown basket maker and willow sculptor Steve Fuller.

Then there is Bob Bewley, a Carlisle nursery owner, who gave nature a bit of a helping hand and won a gold medal for his alpines at the 2003 Carlisle spring show.

Do you remember the Lake District tourist advertising campaign that used lambs as its models?

We are not sure how much they got paid but it would be nice to think they did not end up on anyone's dinner plate after all that hard work to bring people here.

Let us know if you remember the advertisement how the advert went. And definitely let us know if you now live or holiday in the Lake District because you saw those purple-decorated lambs enticing you here.