A CELEBRATION of dance was held in Workington over the weekend- with children from primary schools all over the West Cumbria taking part.

U Dance 2022 took place in the Carnegie Theatre, Workington on Sunday- the first time the event has been able to go ahead in two years, after a forced hiatus caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

News and Star: HOORAY: Pupils from St Michael's Nursery and Infant SchoolHOORAY: Pupils from St Michael's Nursery and Infant School

The event saw a number of schools in the area taking part to showcase their dancing skills as part of the wider curriculum.

Children from St Michaels nursery and Infant school, St James Nursery and Infant School, Bransty Primary School ,St Joseph’s Catholic High School, Dance Mania Theatre School ,Workington Academy and Victoria Junior School all took part in the afternoon of celabration.

News and Star: TOGETHER:The group from Victoria Junior SchoolTOGETHER:The group from Victoria Junior School

More than 170 pupils from across the schools performed their dances to a packed out Carnegie- with the show selling out a week before it took place.

U dance co-ordinator, Natalie Cook said: "It was a surreal experience being back on the stage and in a theatre with an audience.

"Every year we invite local schools to come together and showcase their talents. It is wonderful to see how many schools promote dance in their curriculum.

News and Star: SMILE: St James Nursery and Infant School pupilsSMILE: St James Nursery and Infant School pupils

"The children were all nervous as for a lot of children it was their first time on stage or it’s been such a long time since they have been on stage.

News and Star: PROUD: Mania Elite members after the showPROUD: Mania Elite members after the show

"It was fantastic to see the little ones from age 4 all they way through to age 15.

"It was a show full of variety. A big thank you to all the schools for their hard work."

News and Star: DANCE: Members of the Dance Mania Theatre SchoolDANCE: Members of the Dance Mania Theatre School