TWO men have admitted robbing and falsely imprisoning two people in a house in Carlisle.

At Carlisle Crown Court, Jordan Barrett and Ted Richards, both 23, formally entered guilty pleas to the two offences against two men at a house on Moorhouse Road between February 10, 2020, and the following day.

The court heart that the defendants stole a smartphone and a driving licence from one of the victims; and a smartphone and a driving licence from the second victim.

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Both Barrett, of Red Bank Square, Currock, Carlisle and Richards, of Empire Square, London, were remanded in custody.

They will be sentenced on a day which has yet to be agreed by the court.

Defence lawyer Mark Shepherd, for Richards, said his client was realistic about his sentence, which is likely to be immediate and measured in years.

Judge Richard Archer ordered background reports for both men.

A third man, Thomas Bright, 23, of Burgh by Sands, denies an allegation of perverting the course of justice by failing to mention to police relevant facts relating to the robbery admitted by the other two defendants.

He will face a four-day trial in August. In the meantime, he was granted bail.

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