This month marks a very important date in the Islamic calendar as Ramadan begins in April.

Muslims across Cumbria and the rest of the country will be marking Ramadan by fasting throughout the day for a number of weeks.

It is one of the most important dates in the Muslim calender and is a time of deep spiritual connection for those who take part.

At The News & Star we’ve compiled together some photos of how the community in north Cumbria has celebrated Ramadan.

We’ve also put together some information to inform people what Ramadan involves and how Muslims mark the month.

Ramadan began on the evening of April 2 and will end 29 or 30 days later, around May 1.

However, the beginning and end dates may change depending on the sighting of the new moon.

Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar and is said to be the period when the Holy Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims won’t eat or drink during the hours of daylight and they perform additional religious duties and prayers.

You cannot drink water or the fast is invalid and vaping or smoking is also not permitted which is why many use this time of year to try and quit.

The fast is from sunrise to sunset which means that during the autumn and winter period the fast is shorter whilst in the summer the fast lasts longer.

‘Sahur’ is the time in the morning when Muslims will eat and ‘Iftaar’ is the time in the evening when the fast is broken.

Ramadan is then followed by a celebration known as Eid

Eid is the festival held immediately after Ramadan ends.

Again, it is announced at the sighting of the new moon so this may differ between different countries during some years.

This is the first of two Eid festivals taking place during the year – the second coincides with the annual Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah).