Birthday messages have been sent to The Queen as she turns 96 today.

The special occasion has been marked with the release of a picture showing her indulging her passion for horses and ponies.

Britain's longest serving monarch has travelled from Windsor to her Sandringham estate, where she will be joined by family and friends. Gun salutes will be fired in her honour later today.

The Queen's 96th birthday is being marked in the year in which she has become the first monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee of 70 years on the throne.

Copeland MP Trudy Harrison is among those to send her best wishes to the Queen today.

Mrs Harrison said: “In this historic year of her Platinum Jubilee, I’d like to wish Her Majesty The Queen a very happy 96th birthday.”

Local wine merchant Gerard Richardson MBE accompanied the Queen on her visit to Whitehaven in June 2008.

He said: "I only wish I could wish Her Majesty a Happy Birthday in person. Meeting her was one of the most memorable occasions in my life and I remember her putting me right at ease from the start. She is obviously aware of the effect she can have and is well tuned to making the occasion memorable for all concerned. It really was a magical experience.

"I think we have been so lucky compared to other countries where their head of state is yet another politician. The Queen adds dignity to the country that is the envy of the world."

Mr Richardson, who is organising a programme of events with Whitehaven Town Council to mark the Platinum Jubilee, said the occasion will be a "once in a lifetime experience".

He said: "I've been fortunate enough to have been working with the Town Council to plan the towns celebrations for the Jubilee so I know its going to be a cracking weekend. We've got the official 'shout' by the Town Crier at 1pm on the Thursday followed by four days of photo exhibitions, Viking displays, markets, funfairs and on top of that the town will be decked out in red white and blue.

"Its a once in a lifetime experience for everyone. We are also doing our own version of the Jubilee Beacon by lighting up St Nicholas Tower in red white and blue for three evenings."