Readers have been sharing their views after Downing Street issued an update on the permanent bank holiday plans for the Queen's Jubilee.

Brits are set for an extra day off on June 3, 2022 to mark the monarch’s Platinum Jubilee.

However, campaigners have been calling to make the holiday permanent from 2023.

The Telegraph reported that Mr Sunak had asked the Treasury for formal advice on the suggestion.

The newspaper also said Downing Street had asked the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) to carry out a review of the matter.

It cited a source as saying: “The Treasury is not saying no off the bat despite previously being institutionally allergic to the idea of a new bank holiday.

“Rishi is supportive of the campaign and the thought behind it and has asked for all the projected costs.”

However, Boris Johnson’s official spokesman stressed this year’s extra bank holiday was to mark a “unique” event and added: “I’m not aware of any plans to make it permanent.”

While it would be kept under review, the spokesman said a new bank holiday was estimated to cost the economy £2 billion.

Here's what the readers had to say.

Margaret Kenny said: "In Canada, they have a bank holiday for the Queen's Birthday and have done for many years.

"Shame on our government."

Wendy Campbell said: "It's always about money!

"What about the 75 years of dedication and hard work this wonderful woman has dedicated to this country and the Commonwealth?

"£2billion is a pittance to what loyalty and dedication are worth."

Egils Zivtins said: "£37billion wasted on Track and Trace, so £2billion on a bank holiday seems like peanuts especially as there are hidden benefits which will recoup the money."

Alice Murphy said: "Surely people will be giving back? 

"Social events, holidays, extra food spends.

"Maybe the government should look at the fact it’s only what we all deserve after being locked down and forced to spend ridiculous amounts of money on PCR tests to travel abroad in the last couple of years."