Meet your candidates standing for election to the Carlisle ward of Corby and Hayton on May 5.

Elections to Cumberland Council will take place on May 5, appointing the first administration which will serve in Carlisle, Allerdale and Copeland for five years.

Roger Dobson is standing for election to the new authority in Corby and Hayton for the Liberal Democrats, he will contest the seat with Tim Cheetham of the Conservatives and independent candidate Raymond Tinnion.

Serving county councillor Roger Dobson said: "Lower speed results in less air pollution and noise. We need to de-trunk the A69 and send the heavy wagons on the airport by-pass as originally intended.

"Heavy aggregate processing in villages miles from adequate road infrastructure should stop."

Roger said: "Many of our villages have no pavements. Children and older people are particularly vulnerable”.

Conservative Party candidate Tim Cheetham said: "Living in ward and having been actively involved in several community groups, I want to ensure that the distinctive nature of the rural communities on Corby and Hayton continue to thrive.

"Our communities are often built around core village facilities such as village halls, primary schools and rural pubs and these need to be championed on the new Cumberland Council. Issues such as traffic flows and development have placed pressure on many rural villages.

"Working as a team player with like minded Conservative colleagues, I feel will deliver greater benefits for Corby and Hayton in the long term, than talking on the side-lines.”

Independent candidate Ray Tinnion said that highways matters are a key campaign point for him.

"To push the council to improve highway safety in the Corby and Hayton area especially Warwick Bridge.

"On the HGV traffic to seek clarity on who has actually been approached and spoken to about the de-trunking of the A69.”

The serving city councillor will also campaign for more investment in outreach programmes and local amenities in the area.