CONCERNED residents fear a child will drown in a 'death trap' drainage pond next to a children’s play park.

The eight-foot deep hole by Moresby play park was created by two councillors without planning permission from the local authority, in the hope of draining water from the nearby allotments.

Kyle and Ian Thornley, who sit on Moresby Parish Council, have spent thousands of pounds on works to dig up the land.

But Copeland’s mayor, Mike Starkie, says Copeland Council is now investigating if planning permission was needed to alter the site, which is owned by Moresby Parish Council.

Worried residents have called for the drainage pond to be filled in and a petition set up by David Coward, has been backed by 230 people.

'I was absolutely shocked'

Mr Coward, who lives in the village, raised his concerns at a Moresby Parish Council meeting on Monday night, which was attended by a number of residents opposed to the drainage pond.

He said his grandsons had made him aware that “someone had dug a big hole” after coming back from their allotments at the beginning of April.

Mr Coward said he “had never expected to see what he saw”, after going to have a look. “I was absolutely shocked,” he told the meeting. “I’ve decided to do something about it. I want that thing filled in.”

Nick Troughton, chairman of Moresby Parish Council, said drainage works had been proposed but had then been “extended without permission”.

He said the parish council had then stepped in because “it needed to be sorted out”.

Mr Coward told Mr Troughton that he did not have authority to approve the initial works and the proposal should have been referred to the parish council to discuss and make a decision.

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Mr Troughton said the decision was referred to the last parish council meeting but had then been deferred. But Mr Coward said the hole had already been dug by then.

“It’s a death trap,” Mr Coward said. “I’ll be surprised if nobody is prosecuted over this.”

He also pointed out that the pond did not have a drainage pipe and would “fill up until it overflows”.

When Mr Coward asked the father and son if they had planning permission for the works, Kyle Thornley replied, “It doesn’t need it.”

Mr Troughton said the pond had been 'partly fenced off', but Mr Coward said this was 'just two bits of rope'.

News and Star: DANGER: A drainage pond has been dug next to Moresby play park, without planning permission from Copeland CouncilDANGER: A drainage pond has been dug next to Moresby play park, without planning permission from Copeland Council

Councillor Mark Connery said: “This whole thing is a mess. At the end of the day, it’s dangerous. That’s what everyone’s concerned about. People want to see actions.”

When asked why they had spent so much money on the works, Kyle Thornley replied: “It’s my money to do what I want.”

Ian Thornley told the meeting: “I’ve had an allotment for 32 years and last year the water was at my house, the drainage is that bad.”

Councillor Irene Parker said: “I’m concerned as a mother and a grandmother. If anybody’s kid goes in there, it’s not going to get back out again. That’s my biggest concern.

“That’s a play field. It was built for the kids. The parish council provided it for Moresby children.

“You have put a death trap beside it. It’s like putting a play park by the M6.

“Could you live with it, if a child went in there and died? I wouldn’t sleep because it should have been stopped.

“I don’t want any children drowning in that water. I just want it made safe.”

'Look into diverting the pipework into a beck'

Copeland’s Mayor Mike Starkie said: “It has been brought to the Council’s attention that some works to create a pond have been undertaken in Moresby.

“We are currently looking into this matter to ascertain whether planning permission was required to undertake these works.”

After hearing residents’ concerns at the meeting, Kyle and Ian Thornley said they would look into diverting the pipework into a field drain in the woods, which would then go into the beck.

If this can’t be done, they said they will consider making the pond bigger to allow more chippings, so the water would drain away before it overflows.

A proposal to allow them to rent three more allotments from Moresby Parish Council, in addition to the two they already have, was passed by members.

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