MARATHON Gary Mckee has nearly completed half of his epic challenge to run 365 marathons in 365 days.

The Cleator Moor father of three is no stranger to these crazy challenged previously running 100 marathons in 100 days and is most recently completing 110 marathons in 110 days last spring.

Gary is hoping to raise £1 million for Macmillan Cancer Support and Hospice at Home West Cumbria in his current challenge.

In his Whitehaven News column, Gary said: "Week 26 so almost half way there. On reflection I can’t believe how quick the time has gone in. Over 4800 miles ran with more than 100 people supporting by either running or cycling.

READ MORE: Cumbrian Marathon man Gary McKee smashes 100k milestone in challenge

"Around 20 schools have been involved so hundreds of children being active. We’ve raised over £130K and have lots of people taking on their own challenges to put money on the page. There’s also lots planned for the coming 6 months.

"Last week we attended the Pride of Cumbria Awards where I was presented with the Outstanding Contribution of the Year Award.

"It was quite humbling being in the same room as so many inspirational people and it shows that not only do we live in an area of outstanding beauty we also live in an area of outstanding people.

"I’d like to thank everyone who has supported me so far and look forward to the remaining 6 months."

READ MORE: Cleator Moor Marathon Man Gary Mckee gives latest diary entry