SO Prime Ministerial candidate Tom Tugendhat is supported in his quest by local Tory MPs Neil Hudson and John Stevenson because he is the chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, has served in the military during conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and can unite the party.

Well Mr Tugendhat may well have been in those conflict areas as a part-time officer in the TA within the Intelligence Corps, he was not one of the regulars on the front line.

And he may have knowledge about foreign affairs but what about his knowledge of domestic issues?

Privately educated, a product of Oxbridge, he has no experience of the economy, health, transport, judiciary etc.

He was a journalist before entering Parliament, where he has remained a backbencher for seven years.

His father was a High Court Judge, his uncle was an EU vice president, his wife is a French judge so consequently he has strong connections with Europe and was a Remainer in the 2016 Referendum (as was John Stevenson).

As for uniting the party, Messrs Tugendhat, Hudson and Stevenson were part of the ‘baying gang’ who ganged up on Prime Minister Boris Johnson, bullying him into resignation; showing their true colours as far as unification is concerned.

Yes Boris was a fool to himself by not just speaking truths from the onset of issues, surrounding himself with unreliables, whether SPADS or ministers, but he certainly did not warrant losing his position because of a birthday cake, spurious Labour claims of a party which turned out to be no worse than Starmer and Rayner’s soirée in Durham (questionably investigated by a police force who were never going to instigate a Labour leader and his deputy to lose their jobs) and a whip who couldn’t keep his hands to himself.

With recommendations from the likes of  Messrs Hudson and Stevenson, I don’t give Mr Tugendhat much chance of landing the keys to No 10.

Hopefully, like many of the Tory turncoats and self-promoting wannabes, they too will reap their reward for turning on their leader by losing their seats come the next General Election.

William Smith


See: Would-be PM Tom Tugendhat visits Carlisle to back Tories