A repair café is being launched later this month by a partnership of local voluntary sustainability groups.

Organisers say that thanks to this new community initiative, getting everyday items fixed is about to get a lot easier.

Sustainable Brampton, Brampton Acting Together (B.A.T) and the Brampton and Beyond Community Trust have come together to add to the Brampton’s green credentials and organise the town’s new venture on Saturday, August 27, at Brampton Community Centre from 1 - 4pm.

With over 2,200 repair cafés across the world, the new Brampton & Fellside Repair Café is a welcome addition to several repair cafes already in operation across the county, including Carlisle and Penrith. 

Tim Coombe of Sustainable Brampton said: “The repair café concept supports Sustainable Brampton’s vision to help the community achieve more sustainable ways of living.

“Extending the use of everyday ‘stuff’ provides an easy win both for the pocket and the planet - you know it makes sense.”

Volunteer repairers will come together to attempt fixes on a wide range of items, including lamps, TVs and sewing machines, garden tools and equipment, ornaments, and clocks.

Anyone willing to lend a hand should contact Heather Tipler at heather.tipler@gmail.com or Gary Mitchell at bramptonbat@gmail.com.

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