A PENRITH man grabbed his wife by throat and damaged her phone after she began divorce proceedings.

Police were initially alerted to trouble between the couple by a member of the public at 8am on July 20. She saw Dominic Bitcon, 33, stood in front of a vehicle, gesturing at his wife who was inside.

Prosecutor George Shelley told Carlisle Magistrates’ Court of the witness: “She says the female was sounding the horn and asking for help.”

Bitcon’s wife later told police what had occurred. She had started divorce proceedings, the court heard, and was getting ready for work that morning.

Bitcon tried to hug her, she refused and his mood “suddenly changed”.

A verbal row started and she noted he appeared drunk.

Bitcon slapped her wrist, causing her watch strap to break and momentary pain. He placed his hands around her neck, squeezed and forced her back against a wall. “He started slamming her into the wall whilst holding her neck with both hands,” said Mr Shelley.

As a water bottle fell to the floor Bitcon kicked it directly towards her, hurting her shin and causing reddening and bruising.

He tried to prise his wife’s phone from her, saying: “You won’t be needing that.” They jostled for the phone. “She was screaming for him to get off her,” said the prosecutor.

Bitcon took the phone, threw it on to kitchen tiles and hit it on a counter. She managed to get out of the house and it was then that he stood in front of her vehicle, shouting aggressively.

He was arrested two days later and bailed. But on July 30, at 5-30am, she called police after hearing a loud bang, reporting Bitcon had damaged her new partner’s car with a wine bottle.

Bitcon, now of Greystoke Park Avenue, admitted assault and two criminal damage charges.

District Judge John Temperley adjourned the case, telling Bitcon: “These are serious matters and I need help from the probation service before deciding how to sentence you.”

Bitcon was granted conditional bail and is due to be punished on September 9.