A drug-driver who had been snorting cocaine the day before he was caught said he had the drug in his car so his younger siblings couldn’t access it in the house.

Dillon Broderick, 25, was witnessed driving “erratically” in Maryport at 9am on April 10, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said Broderick was pulled over by police. He was “shaking” and “sweating”.

He was searched and a bag of white powder was found in his pocket. Another bag was found in the car.

Broderick was arrested for possession of cocaine. A drugs wipe was positive for the Class A drug.

A blood sample was taken at the police station which showed he had 13mcg of cocaine per litre of blood. The limit is 10mcg.

Broderick was interviewed and admitted the offences. He said he had bought the cocaine the previous afternoon for his own personal use and takes it when he is out.

He said he had been out drinking the night before and takes it by snorting it from a key. He said he didn’t believe he would be over the limit the following morning.

Broderick said he had no intention of taking cocaine that day. He said he had taken the cocaine out of his house so his younger siblings wouldn’t access it.

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He told police that he thought his car was insured but his policy had run out yesterday.

Mike Woolaghan, defending, said Broderick had made full and frank admissions at the police station and had come to the realisation that drugs were problematic.

He said the defendant had achieved abstinence and was back in full time employment with a local groundworks company.

Broderick, of Lowcroft Main Street, Ellenborough, Maryport, pleaded guilty to possessing a Class A drug, driving a vehicle with a proportion of a specified controlled drug above the specified limit and using a vehicle on a road without third party insurance.

The defendant was banned from driving for three years. He was fined £400 and must pay £85 costs and a £40 victim surcharge.

An order was made for forfeiture and destruction of the drugs.

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