The best road trip for electric vehicles in the country is the Lake District’s ‘Land of the Lakes’ route according to Saga.

The route takes in the very best of the Lake District, including Grasmere and Ambleside and according to the Saga it’s the road trip where you’re most likely to have a charging point to hand in the shortest possible time.

With a distance of 17.7 miles and 10 charging points along the scenic route, you only need 0.08 charges to complete it. 

There has been a sharp rise in the number of people buying electric cars over the last year and it is expected that more than half of cars bought in 2040 will be electric.

Research from Saga finds more than two-thirds of UK drivers would consider switching to an electric vehicle with fuel costs (55%) and the environment (54%) the key motivators for the change.

The ‘Land of the Lakes’ Road trip was ahead of the Jurassic Coast and Norfolk Coast on the list.

“It’s encouraging to know that some of the world’s most famous beauty spots can be visited by EV drivers - and in most cases travelled across in under one full charge’’ said Saga Motor and Home Product Director, Martin Broom.

‘’A UK electric road trip is a great way to visit stunning locations while helping to protect the planet, too.” 

A full list of the road trips is available on the Saga website.


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