MORE than 237 runners took to Frenchfield to take part in the 365th Penrith Parkrun last weekend.

Runner, Mike Hall said: "I'm off again on my 28th Park Run. There's a beautiful blue sky, cool air and dew on the grass. It crushes softly underfoot. I gather with 237 other runners at the start, waiting for the horn and the opportunity to wear myself out again.

 "The horn sounds, and we're off. I look for a pace runner but don't find one until the field has opened up beyond the wood, so I latch onto someone I think is going a little faster than me. I find someone else as I'm left behind. Still settling in. It takes a good half-lap to start finding my pace and for the pain to dissipate slightly. The marshals' encouragement is always welcome on every corner and they are always so positive.

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"Getting to the road is my first milestone and I've settled in at this point although for some strange reason I'm not going any faster: more focus required. Despite the cool breeze the air is humid and I'm heating up. I'm soon round the waste ground loop and back on the road heading for the circus although it's too early to catch a show.

"It's once around the utility field, take the right split and "do it all again".

" Then it's a welcome left split accompanied this time by a jangling bell (thank you Anne)...and a dash for the finish and waiting volunteers. Grr, beaten again."

There were 238 runners today: 99 females and 132 males, 28 personal bests, 46 first timers and 7 unknowns. The leading runner, Jonathan Cox

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