CUMBRIA's MP and local representative have sent their well-wishes to the Queen amid fears over her health.

The Queen is under medical supervision at Balmoral after doctors became concerned for her health, Buckingham Palace has said.

A Palace spokesperson said: “Following further evaluation this morning, the Queen’s doctors are concerned for Her Majesty’s health and have recommended she remain under medical supervision. The Queen remains comfortable and at Balmoral.”

The 96-year-old monarch’s latest setback will raise fresh fears for her health the day after she was pictured in a historic audience with Liz Truss, as she appointed her as the new Prime Minister.

Carlisle MP John Stevenson tweeted:


Copeland MP Trudy Harrison said: "I join with residents across Copeland in my concern for Her Majesty The Queen. My thoughts and best wishes go to Her Majesty and her family."

Mark Jenkinson tweeted:


Mark also retweeted numerous tweets wishing the Queen well, including tweets from Jim Shannon ,Member of Parliament for Strangford, Northern Ireland and the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Meanwhile Penrith and Borders MP Neil Hudson retweeted Liz Truss PM who said:


Charles Maudling, Whitehaven Mayor has said: "Sending well wishes loving thoughts and prayers to our wonderful glorious Queen."

Mike Mitchelson, Carlisle Mayor said: "We are all saddened to hear about the Queen's health concerns and I am sure that myself and everyone in Carlisle are sending best wishes and hoping for a recovery."

Read more: Local representatives express concern and send well-wishes to the Queen