POLICE are investigating an incident in which junior cricket equipment was stolen from a car in Carlisle.

The incident occurred at some point between 3pm on August 30 and 7pm on September 1 from a vehicle parked at Wolsty Close.

The following equipment was stolen from a Gunn and Moore cricket bag:

  • Two Gunn and Moore cricket bats
  • Two sets of Slazenger cricket pads
  • A pair of Adidas spikes
  • A Slazenger cricket helmet
  • Slazenger cricket gloves
  • Ten cricket balls

A spokesperson from Cumbria Constabulary said: "Officers would like to hear from anyone who may have noticed any suspicious activity in the area or has CCTV footage which may have captured the incident.

"Anyone with information relating to this incident can report online at www.cumbria.police.uk/report-it, quoting incident number 67 of 2 September. You can also phone on 101.

"Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111," they said. 

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