A MAN said the police constable he assaulted had 'saved his life' after he tried to escape arrest by climbing out of a skylight.

Police attended an address at Croasdale Place in Cleator Moor on April 23, following inquiries, Workington Magistrates’ Court was told.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said they were directed upstairs and saw the room had been blocked by a makeshift barricade with John Fitzpatrick, 43, inside.

They pushed their way inside and found Fitzpatrick attempting to climb out of the skylight. He became aggressive and aimed a kick towards a police constable.

Due to the Fitzpatrick’s aggression, pava spray was used, which splashed back in the face of the police constable, leaving him temporarily blind.

A statement read to the court from the police constable said he had attended to carry out an arrest when the defendant had attempted to escape from the sky light.

Fitzpatrick was described as 'resistant' and had kicked in a 'violent manner'.

The statement said: “He could have caused me an injury. It’s quite unacceptable for members of the public to assault police following lawful arrest.

“I don’t accept it’s part of the job to be assaulted by drunken individuals.”

Fitzpatrick was interviewed but remained silent throughout.

The defendant, who was unrepresented, told magistrates: “I just apologise to the officer. He probably saved my life. If I had jumped out of the window, it’s three stories up.

“He saved my life and I assaulted him.”

Fitzpatrick’s probation officer said he appeared with shame and remorse.

The court heard that alcohol had been a feature of previous offending and until April this year, he had not been before the court for a period of six years.

He has now lost his accommodation with his parents due to concerns over his alcohol use, the court was told.

Fitzpatrick, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to assault by beating of an emergency worker.

He was given a 12-month community order with 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days. No financial penalties were imposed.

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