COMMUNITIES across the UK are vying for the chance to host cutting-edge new nuclear reactors, which produce low-carbon energy and create potentially hundreds of jobs.

The UK Government has already pledged to fund the development of one kind of new nuclear development at Sizewell, with ambitions to roll-out more across the country.

Here is everything you need to know about Cumbria’s role in this new industrial revolution.

  • Small Modular Reactors

Jet engine giant Rolls Royce is behind plans to site Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) across the country.

The reactors are the most convenient form of energy production as they are developed in modules and individually transported to the site.

Hailed as 'the next generation of low cost, low carbon nuclear power technology,' they are a key focus of ambitions to slash harmful carbon emissions whilst meeting energy needs.

And the SMR technology could be set for Cumbria.

Following efforts of local and national leaders, Rolls Royce has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, pledging support for efforts to bring an SMR to Fellside, land south of Sellafield.

Copeland Council’s portfolio holder for nuclear and commercial services, David Moore, told councillors in July: “There’s now a real commitment within the NDA and Sellafield that they want to bring the SMR in.

"I think that has really lifted the profile we’ve got because now we’ve got, not only a development but we’ve got a customer.”

  • Rolls Royce SMR factory

Land at Kingmoor Park in Carlisle has been shortlisted for a Rolls Royce factory.

If Carlisle’s bid is successful, the factory would produce the modules for Small Modular Reactors - regardless of whether the above ambitions to bring one to Copeland are successful.

News and Star: Kingmoor Park in Carlisle, which could host the first SMR factoryKingmoor Park in Carlisle, which could host the first SMR factory (Image: NQ staff)

It could mean a boost for the nuclear supply chain and the Cumbrian businesses that contribute to it, like Forth Engineering in Maryport.

Cumbria would become an exporter of the parts to build the SMRs, which could benefit the county’s bid to develop one near Sellafield - subject to Government investment.

  • Fusion

Another NDA-owned site neighbouring Sellafield could be lined-up for industrial development.

Moorside, just a stone’s throw from Fellside, is in the running for a prototype nuclear fusion reactor.

The UK Atomic Energy Authority is running a competition to find a UK home for the STEP Tokamak nuclear fusion reactor and Moorside has reached the shortlist of five potential sites.

News and Star: A look at the STEP fusion reactorA look at the STEP fusion reactor (Image: UKAE)

Fusion is an emerging method, meaning West Cumbria could play an important part in developing it as a viable and reliable form of energy.

While its commercial uses are yet to be shown, fusion power made an important breakthrough recently when scientists in South Korea sustained the nuclear reaction for 30 seconds beyond 100 million degrees Celsius, seven times hotter than the sun.

Stephen Hawking famously said that if it can be harnessed, fusion power 'would provide an inexhaustible supply of energy, without pollution or global warming.'

  • Employment boost

Clean-up operations at the Sellafield nuclear decommissioning site are ramping down, which will mean an eventual reduction in jobs at the site.

In response, Copeland Council has launched the Industrial Solutions Hub, a project designed to retain and grow the unique nuclear and clean energy skillset on offer in Cumbria.

The project will centre around an enterprise park set to be developed at Leconfield Industrial Estate.

Businesses operating at the enterprise park could train the next generation of nuclear professionals working at the exciting developments planned for Cumbria.