Cumwhinton Primary School near Carlisle has received a good rating from the school inspector, Ofsted.

Schools are usually inspected every four years and are either rated outstanding, good, satisfactory or inadequate.

The Ofsted report praised the relationship between students and staff and said that “Pupils enjoy attending this school. They feel happy and safe.”

Elsewhere in the report the inspector praised the school’s focus on reading and mathematics but improvement could be made in helping students achieve their full potential “because leaders have not thought carefully enough about how to organise pupils’ learning in some subjects.”

Whilst at the school, the Ofsted inspector met the headteacher, school leaders and members of staff before observing lessons.

The inspector also met with children and parents to help asses their opinions.

We were very pleased with the outcome of our inspection” headteacher of Cumwhinton School Eleanor Dobson said.

“Recently, we have prioritised our training and coaching of staff to ensure that our early reading curriculum is delivered consistently well; it is good to see that the hard work from the staff, children and our wider community being recognised in this way.”

“Inspectors were particularly impressed with the way in which we are encouraging a love of reading in our children, noting that they are developing into confident and enthusiastic readers.”

“We are now on an exciting school journey, developing our whole school curriculum including how we enhance our classroom teaching with fabulous real-life opportunities.”

“We are passionate about ensuring that our offer is as unique as our children and really reflects our wider school ambition of being inspired by Cumbria and all that the rich and varied heritage, landscape and social dynamics of the region has to offer our children.”


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