MORE than 2,500 flags have been received by the Vindolanda Charitable Trust as part of its call-out for an exhibition at Roman Vindolanda.

The Trust launched the 1900 Bunting Challenge in January, with the ambitious aim to get 1,900 flags of bunting which would be strung together to form an exhibition at Roman Vindolanda this month.

The target of 1,900 flags was to celebrate 1,900 years since Hadrian's Wall was constructed, as part of the Hadrian's Wall 1900 Festival programme.

People worldwide have sent in their contributions to celebrate the iconic landmark.

News and Star: Flags knitted and crocheted for the displayFlags knitted and crocheted for the display (Image: Vindolanda Charitable Trust)

From Corbridge to Canada, bunting flags have arrived from across the world and the Trust has received more than 2,500 flags, which have been knitted, crocheted and stitched, in an array of colours with people using up left-over wool.

Penny Trichler, events co-ordinator at the Vindolanda Trust, said: "The response has been overwhelming. The submissions are wonderful and we appreciate all the time and effort that has been put into each flag. 

"This was an opportunity for everyone who has been inspired by Hadrian's Wall, no matter where they are in the world, to become part of the celebration of this iconic landmark and its impact over the 1,900 years it has been standing."

News and Star: A display of the flags at VindolandaA display of the flags at Vindolanda (Image: Vindolanda Charitable Trust)

Flags are currently being strung together to form hundreds of meters of bunting which will decorate the replica section of Hadrian's Wall at Roman Vindolanda for an exhibition from October 22 until October 30.

Penny added: "Bringing all these colourful flags together for the main exhibition is going to be a wonderful sight, but that is not going to be the end of their journey.

"After the exhibition the flags will all be washed and dried and then we hope to work with local community crafting groups to create Roman shield blankets which will then be given to charities. This is a wonderful legacy of the challenge and means that the time and effort individuals have put into to creating the flags will have been very much worth it."

The exhibition will take place at Roman Vindolanda, Chesterholm Museum in Bardon Mill.