More children in Cumbria continue to be vaccinated against MMR than almost anywhere else in England, figures show, despite a drop in the proportion up to date with their jabs.

The MMR jab protects against measles, mumps and rubella, highly infectious conditions which can easily spread between unvaccinated people and have life-changing consequences.

For a child to be fully protected, they should receive two vaccinations, the first around their first birthday and the second when they are three.

NHS Digital figures show 94.1% of youngsters in Cumbria were fully vaccinated by their fifth birthday in 2021-22 – slightly below the 95% target set by the World Health Organisation to aid herd immunity.

It meant the area was among those with the highest levels of coverage for MMR jabs in the country, despite the figure falling from 95.3% in 2020-21.

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Across England, the uptake rate has fallen to the lowest level seen in 11 years – 85.7% of five-year-olds across the country were fully vaccinated against MMR in 2021-22, compared to 86.6% the previous year.

MMR uptake rates vary significantly between England's regions – just 74.2% of five-year-olds in London were fully-vaccinated in 2021-22, compared to 91.7% in the North East.

The NHS is now contacting the parents of around 740,000 children aged between one and six who have not yet had one or both doses of the MMR vaccine, encouraging them to make an appointment with their child’s GP practice.

“We know the diseases that these vaccines prevent have not gone away” Dr Raj Verma, Consultant Paediatrician and Associate Medical Director for North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Trust, said

“These diseases pose a serious threat to children, if children remain unvaccinated then these deadly diseases have an opportunity to re-emerge.”

“The MMR jab is a proven and safe vaccine to give your child. If you’re at all worried about the MMR jab, I would encourage you to seek advice from your Health Visitor or GP.”


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