A historical group will be hosting a talk on a frequently visited Roman fort on Hadrian’s Wall.

Alston Moor Historical Society’s monthly talk for November will be on the Vindolanda Romand fort, with Marta Albertior and Penny Trichler – both archaeologists – speaking.

A spokesperson from the Alston Moor Historical Society explained about the event: “The Roman fort of Vindolanda is probably the most dynamic place to visit along the line of Hadrian’s Wall.

“Every year a dig takes place during a season lasting several months, with volunteers from around the world on their hands and knees unearthing objects unseen for 2,000 years.

“Vindolanda, a Roman fort and extramural settlement on Hadrian’s Wall, was originally funded in AD 85 and was populated until at least AD 700 by a variety of military personnel as well as non-combatant families.

“In this talk, Marta Alberti – the Vindolanda Trust’s deputy director of excavations – will guide us through the many phases of Vindolanda’s occupation, using the trasures unearthed over the course of the 2022 excavation season to shed some light on the people and customs of this frontier outpost.”

The talk takes place via Zoom at 7pm on Thursday, November 3.

The meeting ID is 882 1538 8013.

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