A further seven people have died with Covid across Allerdale, Copeland and Carlisle over the past seven days.

This leaves total number of people who have sadly lost their lives with the virus across the area at 1,175.

North Cumbria Integrated Care Trust was caring for 52 coronavirus patients in hospital as of Tuesday, figures show.

NHS England data shows the number of people being treated in hospital for Covid-19 by 8am on November 2 was down from 57 on the same day the previous week.

The number of beds at North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust occupied by people who tested positive for Covid-19 increased by 6% in the last four weeks – 28 days ago, there were 49.

The figures also show that 27 new Covid patients were admitted to hospital in North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust in the week to October 31. This was up from nine in the previous seven days.


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