A support programme designed to boost social enterprise in Allerdale and Copeland has secured a prestigious regional award.

The Spark was named North West regional winner in the All-round Small Business Friendly Service category of the inaugural Federation of Small Business (FSB) Local Government Awards, highlighting local authorities in England showing the strongest support for small business.

The Spark programme is delivered by the Cumbria Social Enterprise Partnership (CSEP), for which Cumbria County Council is the lead partner. The scheme helps new social enterprises form and supports the existing sector in Allerdale and Copeland to become more sustainable. The Spark is funded by Sellafield Ltd through its Social Impact, Multiplied initiative and via the Cumbria Community Foundation’s Transforming West Cumbria programme.

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The FSB praised Cumbria County Council, as the lead partner, for recognising the invaluable contribution social enterprise makes to the small business community and wider economy. In response the Council had developed a partnership approach with an “innovative, bold, dedicated social enterprise approach” which helped maximise economic growth.

Cllr David Southward, Cumbria County Council Cabinet member for Economic Development, said: “Social enterprise plays such an important role in the Cumbrian economy, contributing around £450m and employing almost 9,000 people, and I’m really delighted our work to support this sector has been recognised by the FSB.”

Tracey West, Senior Social Impact Manager at Sellafield Ltd said “It is fantastic to see the Spark programme be recognised as we know just how important social enterprises are to our economy and wider communities. It is a great example of how we can achieve more by working together with partners.”

Dr Jenny Benson, Director of Programmes & Partnerships, Cumbria Community Foundation, said: “Forming a key strand of the Transforming West Cumbria programme, The Spark was co-created to inspire, encourage and nurture, both new and existing social entrepreneurs in West Cumbria. Generously funded by Sellafield Ltd, The Spark focuses on growing vibrant social enterprises and we are delighted that the work of Cumbria Social Enterprise Partnership and Cumbria County Council in its delivery has been recognised in this way.”

Rob Randell, Chair of Cumbria Social Enterprise Partnership, said: “The Spark programme is an outstanding example of how strong partnership working between Cumbria County Council, CSEP, Sellafield Ltd and the Cumbria Community Foundation has enhanced our ability to help the development of social enterprises, which in turn supports our local communities.”

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