PLANNING has been approved by Carlisle City Council for a new convenience store in Carlisle city centre.

Permission has been granted for a new store at 81 – 85 English Street in Carlisle to create a new shop front at the unit which was the site of the ‘Edinburgh Woollen Mill’ store until 2020.

The development, which has been designed by Carlisle-based ‘Architects Plus UK LTD’, will include a refurbishment of the shop floor, the installation of a new shop front and entrance doors and a brand-new street level entrance to make room for an upstairs fire escape.

The upstairs of the property is to be made into office space and a storage location for the shop.

The proposals are to install a completely new shop front which has been designed in accordance with the Carlisle City Council Shopfronts design guide to 'blend into and enhance the character of the street frontage', according to application documents.

The plans will in large part retain and re-use the existing window and door openings to the upper floors and rear of the building to minimise the intervention of new openings.

Where new openings are proposed, they are to match the existing both on proportion and materials.

The planning recommendation report which was published by the council said: “The proposal would bring back into active use a large currently vacant retail unit located directly opposite the University of Cumbria redevelopment.

“In overall terms, the refurbishment of the ground and upper floors of the premises together with the installation of a new shop front would further contribute to the vitality and viability of the city centre."

Planning permission was approved this week by the City Council but it may still be some time before work begins and the shop opens.

No objections were received by the council over the planning application.

READ MORE: Carlisle charities unite for return of Kinder shop