TWO EMPLOYMENT tribunals have seen payouts of over £23,000 in Carlisle for 'unfair dismissals'.

The judgements are revealed as employment tribunal decisions on the Government website, though specific case details are not published.

Mr P K Amada's complaint of unfair dismissal against Carlisle Support Services Group Limited was successful and saw the claimant receive £20,511.59 - comprising £12,061.40 basic award and £8,450.19 compensatory award.

A further £157.27 has also been ordered to be paid due to 'unauthorised deduction from wages in respect of holiday pay' between October 2020 and November 2020.

The claimant’s claim of direct race discrimination was not-well founded and was ultimately dismissed by Judge Beyzade on October 13.

Similarly, Mr D Wyllie's case against Carlisle's Hilltop Hotel Ltd on the grounds of 'unfair dismissal' was also justified by Judge Beyzade on October 11.

The respondent has been ordered to pay to the claimant compensation in the amount of £2,580.

This includes a basic award for six complete years’ service aged over 41 with gross weekly (non-furlough) pay of £258, plus one week’s pay as compensation for loss of statutory rights.

The employment tribunal heard that Mr Wyllie had no loss of earnings as a consequence of dismissal.

The claimant’s claim for accrued and un-taken holiday pay was also justified - meaning the respondent is ordered to pay to the claimant compensation in the amount of £903.

Mr Wyllie's claim for unpaid furlough pay for the period from 1 June 2021 to 24 July 2021 was also 'well founded'.

Hilltop Hotel Ltd will be ordered to pay to the claimant compensation in the amount of £1,097. This is based on a monthly rate of furlough pay of £627.

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