CARLISLE Youth Zone has received a £20,000 donation from the Carlisle Crown plant.

The plant was selected to receive a donation through Crown’s Twentyby30 Charitable Giving Program to support the work of Carlisle Youth Zone.

The Youth Zone has worked with children across the city for the past decade, helping to provide a safe space for them to meet.

The centre particularly aims to work with deprived children, providing them with a wide range of activities and experiences six nights a week.

The £20,000 donation is being used in a specific project to renovate the café to make it a multi-use area, including roll out cookery stations to provide life skills with the upgrading works commencing on December 5.

Crown plant manager in Carlisle, Peter Gower said: “One area of our commitment to sustainability is to support the local area to the manufacturing plant.

“We are proud to support the work of Carlisle Youth Zone which is so important to our local area and our city."

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