Christmas is fast approaching, but the festive season can pose a few additional problems for our four-legged friends, follow this Dogs Trust advice for a paw-fect Christmas.

  • Decorations should be well out of reach of our dogs.
  • Keep your dog out of the way while wrapping your presents to stop them eating paper etc.
  • Stick to your routine as much as possible and give them an area they can choose to go to for peace.
  • Many dog owners will want to spoil their dogs on Christmas day but beware of potentially harmful gifts. 
  • It might look fun putting a dog in festive fancy dress but they can feel discomfort or they may overheat or feel restricted.  
  • Do not let your dog near toxic plants or foods, this includes tree needles.   
  • Avoid loud noises.
  • Be prepared for the worst by having your emergency vet contact details handy. 

Jenna Kiddie, Head of Canine Behaviour at Dogs Trust, says:  

"As a nation of dog lovers, our four-legged friends will be a big part of Christmas for many families across the UK. But with unexpected visitors, a change to routine and endless food temptations, our canine companions can find Christmas unsettling and stressful."