DANCERS from Whitehaven were part of a world record ‘tapathon’ event which also raised money for Children in Need.

60 members of Karen Starkey’s School of Theatre Dance in Whitehaven joined over 7,000 round the country to try and set a new world record and raise as much money as possible for Children in Need.

The world record was to get the most people to dance the same tap routine at exactly the same time across the country.

News and Star: The dancers had to learn a specifically set routine sent in by choreographers to Queen’s iconic song, ‘don’t stop me now.’

“Our school took part in 2010 and 2011, and then unfortunately, due to other dancing commitments, we weren’t able to continue,” said Karen Starkey.

“We were delighted though, to be able to be involved this year.”

The ‘tapathon’ is a national event that has been running since 2010, raising vital money for charity every year.

News and Star: The money is raised by participants buying ‘tapathon’ t-shirts alongside any other donations from the dancers and their friends and families.

Nationally the event raised more than £29,000 with Whitehaven contributing over £200 to the overall total.

The big event in Whitehaven was attended by the mayor and mayoress of the town.

“Our Mayor, Mr Charles Maudling, and our Lady Mayoress, Mrs Sylvia Maudling, were in attendance, and did our countdown to 1.00pm – them being with us, just made it a bit more exciting, it was a great atmosphere, and everyone enjoyed it,” said Karen.

Nationally the ‘tapathon’ fell agonisingly close to its world record target, falling just 312 dancers short of the world record.

Plans are already under way for next year’s event which hopes to go one better and break the world record

Starkey’s School of Theatre Dance has been established for more than 25 years with countless Cumbrianspassing through the doors since it opened in 1993.


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