Our readers have been sharing their thoughts on Carlisle McVitie's workers calling off their strike when their pay offer was accepted. 

This is after workers at the McVitie's factory in Carlisle, who are members of the GMB union, were formally balloted formally for strike action, and returned a mandate to strike.

This was in response to the workers being offered a 4.25 per cent pay rise and a £500 one-off payment after demanding better pay from their employer, Pladis, which owns McVitie's.

They refused this offer, opting instead to formally ballot for strike action.

Oli Slack, GMB North West and Irish region regional organiser, said after a mandate was returned, there were no concrete plans in terms of how many days they are going to be going on strike, but it was going to disrupt the town.

At the time of the ballot returning, he spoke of their fellow strikers at the Jacob’s factory in Aintree, Liverpool, whom he said have been out for just under six weeks.

Here's what you had to say.

Johnathon McBride said: "Had no choice when union had to resort to ask retirees or ex unemployed for their vote, had to back down."

Paula Stevens said: "Wasn't improved at all."