A DISTRICT judge has approved a domestic violence protection order against a Carlisle man who was released by police and then visited his partner’s home while “drunk” and caused more trouble.

George Kirkpatrick, 44, of Brownrigg Drive, Carlisle, did not object to the police application for the order.

Its effect will be to ban him from contacting the protected woman for the next 28 days. Approving the order at Carlisle's Rickergate court, District Judge John Temperley said he was satisfied, on the balance or probabilities, that the defendant had used or threatened violence towards the woman who is being protected.

There was an “extensive history” of police call outs to the couple. The background to the latest trouble was Kirkpatrick’s alleged assault on the woman, though police took no further action on that.

There was also a previous breach of a domestic violence protection order on the defendant’s record, noted the judge. Referring to the defendant’s behaviour after his arrested for the latest alleged assault, the District Judge said: “He appears to have gone straight round there drunk and caused more trouble.”

The order prevents Kirkpatrick from contacting the woman in any way or going to her property in Levens Drive, Carlisle.