A DRINK-driver threatened to kill a police constable he assaulted while suffering a “severe panic attack” after a town bypass crash, a court heard.

Magistrates sitting in Carlisle heard Mark Buchanan, 56, hadn’t caused a collision involving his Suzuki Swift on the night of December 23. This occurred after another motorist pulled out in front of Buchanan’s vehicle as he travelled on Wigton’s bypass.

Police received reports that one of the drivers involved was walking away from their vehicle.

They spoke to Buchanan, of Station Hill, Wigton, whose Suzuki was parked on the nearside with crash damage and headlights illuminated.

Buchanan failed a roadside breath test and was later found to be almost twice the legal limit.

When initially told he would be taken to a police station to give an evidential breath specimen, he had said he didn’t want to be arrested and spoke of mental health problems.

Buchanan began to walk away and dropped to the ground. A female officer tried to apply a handcuff but as Buchanan “began to be aggressive”, the pair ended up rolling around on the ground.

She suffered a scratch to the side of her face. “He continued to struggle and shout, saying ‘I’m going to kill you’,” said prosecutor Pam Ward.

The officer hadn’t believed his threat and insteadcontinued to try and gain control of him.

In court, an emotional Buchanan admitted drink-driving and assaulting an emergency worker by beating.

Lauren Heasley, defending, said he had tried to take evasive action and avoid the initial road collision.

His behaviour changed after he failed the breath test and became “quite bizarre”. “It’s his firm belief he has experienced a severe panic attack at the road side,” said Miss Heasley. “He can’t remember at this moment what he did and what was said.

“He certainly didn’t take on board what was being asked of him. All he wanted to do was get to the safety of home.”

Of the officer, Miss Heasley said on Buchanan’s behalf: “He is relieved she was not hurt.”

Buchanan — supported in court by family members — was fined a total of £160 and ordered to pay the officer £50 compensation. In addition he was banned from driving for 18 months and offered a rehabilitation course which, if completed, will reduce the length of disqualification by 18 weeks.