OUTLINE plans for a large new ‘employment site’ on the outskirts of the Carlisle have been approved by the city council.

At a meeting yesterday, January 20, Carlisle City Council's development panel approved outline plans for the land that is situated between Kingmoor Park Central and Kingmoor Park North near Dukes Drive.

The plan is to demolish all buildings on the current site and build new office space, internal roads and a car park in a 1.1million square foot project.

According to the developer, Kingmoor Park Properties Limited, the proposed development is needed to help deliver the Carlisle District Local Plan 2015-2030.

Cllr Collier raised concerns about transport around the site as well as signage. He said: "At the moment you can drive around Kingmoor Park and it's like Spaghetti Junction."

He urged developers and the council to take this into account in any future development at the site if outline planning permission was granted.

A proposition for the planning application to be approved was proposed by Cllr Tinnion and seconded by Cllr Collier.

The council agreed to approve the development, with conditions also being made for a clear transport plan to be developed.

READ MORE: Planning recommended for 'employment site' at Kingmoor Park