A PERVERT who believed he was sending an explicit photo to a 13-year-old girl was communicating with a paedophile hunting group, a court heard.

Martin Gray, 48 , formerly of Keswick but now of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to the following charges, at Workington Magistrates’ Court:

  • Attempting to cause or incite a girl 13 to 15 to engage in sexual activity, without penetration
  • Attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child
  • Attempting to cause a child aged 13 to 15 to watch or look at an image of sexual activity

The offences took place in Keswick between January 9 and 23, last year.

Gray also admitted a charge of possessing cannabis on January 23 in Keswick.

Outlining the case, prosecutor Pamela Fee, said Gray had been engaging in sexual communication with who he believed to be a 13-year-old female.

But it was a paedophile hunting group, who confronted him at his home address before police were contacted.

Ms Fee said there was evidence of grooming behaviour and the defendant had sent an explicit image of himself.

She said the case was not suitable for sentence in the magistrates’ court. John Cooper, defending, agreed that the case should be sent to the crown court for sentence.

Gray will be sentenced at Carlisle Crown Court on February 24.

In the meantime, he must not have unsupervised access to a child under 18 or communicate with any person under the age of 18 unless through inadvertent contact in the course of everyday life.

He was also ordered to present himself as a sex offender at the police station within three days.