A HEARTBROKEN Carlisle woman has made a desperate plea for help to trace the cruel culprit who shot and killed her beloved pet cat.

Police also seeking information about the 'despicable' act that killed the long-haired tabby Marlee, who would have turned four in March. Marlee had been with Lauren Moynan, 28, since she was a kitten.

“I got her when I was going through a bad time a few years ago, when I needed her most,” said Lauren, who lives off Dalston Road. “She was just the best, playful and loving.”

Lauren was just about to make tea on Friday when she shouted for Marlee.

“She was down beside the window and just turned around really slowly. The minute I saw her I knew there was something wrong,” said Lauren. “She didn’t miaow, didn’t jump up at the window. She just looked at me and I knew.”

When Lauren picked her up, she saw blood. “I turned her over, she just laid there floppy in my arms and I knew it was bad.

News and Star: Lauren Moynan and MarleeLauren Moynan and Marlee (Image: Newsquest)

“While I was on the phone, my neighbour came to knock on my window to say ‘keep your cat in, mine is at the vets because it’s been shot’, and I just knew that’s what had happened to her. When we got to the vets we found she’s been shot through her side and right into her abdomen.”

Lauren, who has since learned of five similar incidents in the past 10 days, said: “I’m gutted, heartbroken, it’s absolutely ripped my heart out.

“I can’t believe they’ve just taken her away from me. They should think of what they are putting me through and how I must feel — they’ve no idea how I feel. I can’t understand it, can’t get it out of my head. They’ve absolutely torn my heart out — and for what reason?

“We have another cat and a dog we are petrified to let out of the house.”

Lauren contacted police but was concerned “they didn’t seem that interested”, saying she was told the case could be logged as criminal damage and not animal cruelty.

“Why?” she wondered. “That’s my animal, she was my baby.”

A Cumbria Police spokesman said today, Monday 30, two cats had died from injuries believed to have been caused by someone with an air rifle during 'linked' incidents.

Officers are appealing for information following reports of three cats being injured in Carlisle between January 24 and 27 in the areas of Mcdevitt Way and Newcastle Street.

The spokesperson said: “We are taking this investigation incredibly seriously. These are despicable acts and we want to hold whoever is responsible to account for their actions.

"We would appeal to anyone with information to report it to us to help with our enquiries.”

Anyone with information can report online at www.cumbria.police.uk/reportit quoting incident 196 of January 27th; phone 101; or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

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