A WHITEHAVEN drama student is bringing a children’s story to life as he records the audiobook for a Cumbrian author who taught him at school.

Thomas Donnan, 22, is recording 'The Dalmatian that Lost its Spots' by local author, Helen Haraldsen, in a studio at Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, where he is currently studying.

Helen, who is Thomas’s former English teacher at Keswick School, had posted on social media about her hopes to turn one of her stories into an audiobook.

News and Star: Helen Haraldsen is the author of 'The Dalmatian that Lost its Spots' Helen Haraldsen is the author of 'The Dalmatian that Lost its Spots' (Image: Submitted)

Thomas offered to help and is now recording the book alongside his studies. A producer at the theatre school, Andy Jenks, is helping with the editing process.

Thomas said: “I’m really enjoying it. I’m working it around my very tense rehearsal schedule.

“Part of Bristol’s facilities is a very large former BBC recording studio with the full equipment. It’s a gorgeous, old building with so much history around it.

“I’m really lucky to be doing a project in there and working on something I’m enjoying. It’s lovely.

“Audio work is quite hard so I limit myself to four hours in the studio at a time. I can usually do about two and a half chapters.”

Thomas has had vocal training as part of his acting training, which has helped him bring the characters to life in the studio.

He said: “There are about eight characters and I’m voicing them all myself so it is a challenge but I’m having a great time doing it.

“It’s brilliant to sit in a studio and play about with the different characters. It’s good fun reading a very good children’s story which I hope everyone will enjoy when it comes out.”

Helen added: “It's brilliant to be working on a new project with someone I've known, and watched grow up, for around ten years.”

The audio book is due to be released on the Audible app later this year.

READ MORE: West Cumbrian children's author offers help to aspiring writers