TWO BRAMPTON charity workers are preparing to return to Kenya to complete the project that they started three years ago.

Ruth Smithson and Joanna Coyle travelled to the Kenyan captial, Nairobi, on March 12 2020 with a plan in place to head on to the rural western village of Mirui.

However, days later Ruth and Joanna were forced to swiftly return to the UK, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson announcing the first Covid-19 lockdown on March 23.

In partnership with two charities, Small Steps Foward (SSF) and Days for Girls (DFG), Ruth and Joanna had planned to distribute children's clothes, shoes, toys and school equpiment, alongside enough menstruation packs for 80 girls and women.

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Almost three years on from their aborted charity mission, Ruth and Joanna are set to return to Mirui, on February 23,  to complete their work and distribute the much needed supplies that have been untouched since the beginning of the pandemic.

One of the main goals of their re-laucnhed trip, is to tackle period poverty in Mirui by handing out pre-made kits.

Ruth and Joanna also plan to show the locals how to use an overlocker sewing machine, so they can make more period kits.

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Figures from Small Steps Forward estimate that a female student who is following as many as 11 subjects for her final exam certification (KCSE) may have to miss approximately 20 to 25 per cent of her lesson time per month due to the high prices of sanitary products.

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Therefore, Ruth and Joanna's mission is set to make a postive impact on this community.

Dave Queen, Small Steps Forward Kenyan coordinator spoke about the re-organised trip.

He said: "If Joanna and Ruth are able to spend 3 days with the women and girls, passing on the Days for Girls sewing skills to make very professional sanitary items, they will not only help remove this major problem for our hard working girls but also change the lives of so many of the local women.  

"Ruth and Joanna are absolutely committed to making this project work."