Following the release of The Police Race Action Plan Feedback Survey Findings, Cumbria Constabulary’s Chief Constable Michelle Skeer has reaffirmed the force’s ‘commitment’ to improving policing for black people.

The national Race Action Plan set out ‘challenging’ targets for forces to meet.

The public survey which followed, sought to gain views from members of the public, individual police officers and staff, and representatives from policing and other organisations to share their thoughts on the plan.

Chief Constable Skeer said: “This survey is a stepping stone in the journey to achieve the targets set out in the Race Action Plan to become an anti-racist organisation, committed to listening to those with lived experience, both inside and outside of policing and I welcome the results of the consultation.

“It is important we listen, understand, and know our communities better so we can progress and make that long term cultural shift to end racism and discrimination. 

“We have made considerable progress since launching the plan in May 2022 and are continuing our work with Anti Racist Cumbria, to deliver training to officers and staff to help us understand lived experiences of black people which has resulted in a lack of trust in policing and how we can challenge and reform moving forward. 

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“Our vision is to deliver an outstanding police service to keep Cumbria safe. To deliver this, we must treat everyone fairly, legitimately and improve the trust and confidence in us by black people and ensure we are inclusive to all.”