Police are searching for a man who has failed to report to officers after being given a jail sentence for helping the murderers of Ryan Kirkpatrick.

Ross Neville, 32, was yesterday sentenced to an immediate prison term of one year and 10 months by appeal court judges under the unduly lenient scheme.

He was originally given a non-custodial punishment when sentenced with two other people for their part in events following the death of Ryan Kirkpatrick, 24, in Carlisle.

Neville, of Canonbie, Dumfries and Galloway, was ordered to report to police in Carlisle at 6pm last night (February 14) - but did not turn up.

READ MORE: Trio who helped Ryan Kirkpatrick's killers flee are sentenced

Detective chief superintendent Mick Bird said: “With Neville having failed to attend, we would ask the public to report any sightings of this man.

 “We do not consider him a danger to the public but we would ask people not to approach him if they see him.

"They should instead contact us on 999 as soon as possible.

“We would also urge Neville to come forward to officers if seeing this appeal.”

Neville was originally sentenced in December at Carlisle Crown Court alongside Olivia Memmory, 22, and Michael Celmins, 32.

This followed the sentencing of Kane Hull and Liam Porter, who were both jailed for life in October for the murder of Mr Kirkpatrick.

These two men had gone on the run after Mr Kirkpatrick was stabbed to death on a night out in Carlyle’s Court.

Neville, Celmins and Memmory gave assistance as the men tried to evade police.

Neville’s original sentence was a one-year community payback order, which included 200 hours of unpaid work.

Celmins, of Irthington, Carlisle, was originally sentenced to one year in jail.

His sentence was also increased yesterday to two years in prison.

READ MORE: Men who helped killers of Ryan Kirkpatrick get tougher sentences

Memmory, of Cummersdale, was jailed for 19 months.

Her sentence remains unchanged.

All three admitted the offence of assisting an offender.

Bird added: “We welcome the increased sentences given out yesterday and hope it helps provide some comfort to the family and friends of Mr Kirkpatrick.”

If you see Neville, call the police on 999.

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